Could health be our true wealth? This local wellness curator says yes
Like many of us, Lesli Dullum-Tutterrow has been nestled in her home office for the past two years, and has recently ventured back into the welcoming arms of Vibe Coworks.
Like many of us, Lesli Dullum-Tutterrow has been nestled in her home office for the past two years, and has recently ventured back into the welcoming arms of Vibe Coworks.
If you find yourself thinking about unearthing your long-forgotten passion projects, getting that big idea you’ve been rolling around in the back of your mind going, or taking on a new adventure after chatting with people here, you won’t be the first one. Take, for example, Michelle Nelson.
The Puget Sound region is renowned worldwide for being a center of innovation. More recently, it’s becoming known for its wildly understated startup scene, too. Indeed, the Puget Sound is a place where ingenuity, forward-thinking, and boldness drive people to build great things.
What does personal cybersecurity mean to you? Do you know about the latest innovations? Are your smartphone and online security needs being met? Do you need help crafting a super-safe password? How would it feel to be free of data breaches, ransomware, and phishing scams?
Satellite CTO and Cofounder Chuck Smith lives, breathes, and builds community.
Dani Wasia may be soft-spoken, but when she speaks, her brown, soulful eyes brighten with conviction. And nothing can hide her zest for life and wide, open spaces.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Kristina Colburn since she joined Vibe Coworks some two and a half years ago, it’s that Kristina is one of those people who knows who she is, and knows where she is going.
One of the things we love most about our region is the inspiring spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship, and community that is ubiquitous throughout the sound. Every day we meet more and more people who are transforming the world we all live in, in their own unique way.
If you’ve been around Vibe much over the last five months, you’ve surely crossed paths with Brittany Corona.
Sam Jones, Founder and CEO of Proworks Enterprises, radiates an inspiring blend of “can do” attitude, casual friendliness, and unflappable confidence that simply pulls people in.
It’s a big day here at Vibe Coworks. Please join us in welcoming about Leah Persinger as our new Community Manager!